The main objective of the Working Group 1 is to counter epistemic asymmetries in knowledge production, the marginalization of non-mainstream non-hegemonic knowledges and to establish a view on European knowledges as a form of particular, ‘indigenous’, local and sustainable knowledge dismantling European knowledges particular claim to truth (Chakrabarty 2000). Therefore, it will explore alternative philosophies and concepts like Sumak Kawsay, Ubuntu, Gharbzadegi, Nkosuo – or Décroissance as a non-hegemonic European form of knowledge.
The Working Group will a) build structures for co-creation and co-production of knowledges that involve all stakeholders – in North and South, research, practice, civil society; b) explore hybrid knowledges and contributions of non-hegemonic knowledges to development c) create multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary spaces, involving actors beyond academia.