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Laura Sobral - The South in the North

This topic is essentially dealing with the question of shifting
identities. To be recognised, identified, and active in a specific
role means being clear about our own understanding of our
position. Therefore, being reflective of our identities is a very
important exercise that could keep us on our way to liberation,
from one freedom to another!

Workshop "Decolonising Discourse Studies" (WG1, 21.-23.4.2022)

Workshop “Decolonising Discourse Studies” was organized by Working group 1 members (Zoom, 21.-23.4.2022). The participants conducted qualitative research on (non)discursive and postcolonial construction of realities. The main findings are available below:

Urban Trialogue online collaborative map by Laura Sobral, Burcu Ates and Predrag Milic

During the STSM activities run by Laura Sobral (WG 1), Burcu Ateş (WG 2) and Pedrag Milić (WG 3), the diversity of the Action has been visualised with its constituent elements (people, networks, institutions, motivations, contexts, events, researches, pedagogies, practices) by diving into themes correlated with decolonial research, pedagogy and practice. The map is a living source based on continuing Power to Co-produce Podcast.

Online collaborative map: